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Guild Wars (the review)

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 3:33 pm
by Cliervis
Well since I not been on daoc for a while cos of my connection bombing out I figured I'd try Guild Wars and see if it's just daoc my connection hates ;), and also fancied it after reading up on it.

The game itself seems inspired by daoc and wow, there are shit loads of quests to do some being easy and some not so. Almost everything that annoyed me about daoc is solved or not present in GW, there is no:

Kill Stealing
PvP/RvR Zergs
Master Levels
Uber leet items

The classes seem to be somewhat generic, e.g I have a lvl 10 Warrior atm and she can heal, hot, rezz, charm pets etc and hit fucking hard with a large hammer to boot :). Some of the classes will seem somewhat familar e.g. Elementalist who can specialise in, go on you can guess this, Earth, Air and Fire (2 outa 3 ;)).

Leveling is interesting you can do it several ways, the traditional killing mobs, questing or pvp. Questing with some mob killing seems to be the fastest. To give you an idea of the xp required my lvl 10 requires ~7000 xp to ding 11 and a lvl 1 requires 2000 xp.

One of the more annoying things about mob killing is that mobs aggro you even if they are not worth any xp to you to kill. A zerg of lvl 4 mobs at lvl 10 will kill you and be worth nothing other than drops/cash for killing them. Saying that my Warrior doesn't have a problem with 5 lvl 7 mobs atm though 6 killed me.

Obviously when grped it makes things easier, although the xp you get is divided amoungst the members which prolly means pling will be easy.

PvP is limited to arena fights as far as I can tell. You can enter these from the moment after you leave the starting lands which is usually around lvl 6-8. At lvl 6 though you will get owned. The arena gathers random grps of ppl who want to fight and pits them against each other 4v4. It's hectic and can be fun especially as just everyone can rezz. E.g. We had 4v4 and we were getting boned we was down to 1 Warrior left, he rezzed the Monk (primary healing class) and he rezzed me and the other guy and we then boned them :).

The xp is reasonable from pvp though not great. Oh and you know tank run through bugs on daoc, again it dont exist and neither do interupts unless you get knocked over. This means a caster class with good damage and self heals > all imo. Same level monks are not killable by a solo Warrior cos they can just spam heal and do more heals than your damage. It requires some skill and teamwork to effectively take down the other team. Speaking of which assist trains, don't exist and even later in 8v8 battles they won't because the game has collision detection. Only so many ppl can melee a mob or other person.

The game also has mission which from what I can tell features and drives the main plot of the game. It requires grps to do them mostly and can be quite challenging. Whats even better is that if there are no ppl around you can grab computer controlled players to join you and they act suprisingly well. I've done a couple of missions with them and completed them both without any problems although the first one was touch and go. (Had to take the last 2 mobs solo ;)).

Anyhow with no monthly fee, there is no excuse not to try it imo. If anyone fancies a go and wants to meet up my toon names are all packets of crisps (Smokey Bacon, Roast Chicken etc) if you see one, chances are its me :).

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 3:37 pm
by Urbsailor
We got guild up and running with peeps from.....9 => 13 or 14 I think. Quite reasonable amount of PvE before 20 it looks.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 7:44 pm
by Cliervis
saw a guild called FeAr (or some variation of capitalisation) that you guys per chance? ;)

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 8:55 pm
by Urbsailor
hehe naw Fopw

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 3:53 pm
by Mugi
give a server name or is that a main server for all players?
I'm playing it too atm looks bit like Dungeon Siege imo.
Ig name is claraa cronix

greetings mugib

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 3:56 pm
by Bahumat
its kinda off topic but i bought enter the gonna try and make someone who is fast and good at jumping....then i am gonna make a Free Running guild where you do free running and pi$$ing of the agents

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 6:29 pm
by Cliervis
Mugi wrote:give a server name or is that a main server for all players?
I'm playing it too atm looks bit like Dungeon Siege imo.
Ig name is claraa cronix

greetings mugib
As far as I can tell there is no seperate server kinda issues although they are regionalised I'm about in the Euro zones :) and am currenly playing Smokey Bacon and Salt N Vinegar :)

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 9:20 am
by Bahumat
ah im not playing enter the matrix lol im playing matrix online

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 10:03 am
by Urbsailor
Cliervis wrote:
Mugi wrote:give a server name or is that a main server for all players?
I'm playing it too atm looks bit like Dungeon Siege imo.
Ig name is claraa cronix

greetings mugib
As far as I can tell there is no seperate server kinda issues although they are regionalised I'm about in the Euro zones :) and am currenly playing Smokey Bacon and Salt N Vinegar :)
You use different districts but there is no server pick and you can change district as you want to.

Prolly lvl20 in 1 week after release in thig game (and me like :P ) but then you have to quest to open some skills that you may not have when getting 20.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 7:32 pm
by izdor
seems nice etc.....

cliervis! log on camlann i need armor sced! :P

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 9:07 am
by Ithlamer
yeah im on GW too, got a level 7 monk and rising fast, yeah i saw that guild FeAr too, give invite tonight ;) and give acess to forum :P

you guys got a cloak yet?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 9:09 am
by Urbsailor
Hehe so Cliervis and gang is in Fear guild on GW? I seen some from that guild.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 10:23 am
by Cliervis
Urbsailor wrote:Hehe so Cliervis and gang is in Fear guild on GW? I seen some from that guild.
Um no, just said I saw some guild by that name ;)

btw I heard of ppl dinging 20 after 16-20 hours play, It took my 3 hours last night to get from 12 to 12.5, admittedly I got to the end of 2 quests and my grp got chain wiped by lvl8 mob zergs, you guys going faster and if so how? :)

Not seen any cloak drop yet :(

Iz, you got your armour rdy to go?

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 10:55 am
by izdor
Cliervis wrote:
Urbsailor wrote:Hehe so Cliervis and gang is in Fear guild on GW? I seen some from that guild.
Um no, just said I saw some guild by that name ;)

btw I heard of ppl dinging 20 after 16-20 hours play, It took my 3 hours last night to get from 12 to 12.5, admittedly I got to the end of 2 quests and my grp got chain wiped by lvl8 mob zergs, you guys going faster and if so how? :)

Not seen any cloak drop yet :(

Iz, you got your armour rdy to go?
aye my armor rdy have had it rdy for about a week now :D

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 11:43 am
by ace
Cliervis wrote:
Urbsailor wrote:Hehe so Cliervis and gang is in Fear guild on GW? I seen some from that guild.
Um no, just said I saw some guild by that name ;)

btw I heard of ppl dinging 20 after 16-20 hours play, It took my 3 hours last night to get from 12 to 12.5, admittedly I got to the end of 2 quests and my grp got chain wiped by lvl8 mob zergs, you guys going faster and if so how? :)

Not seen any cloak drop yet :(

Iz, you got your armour rdy to go?
Cloaks dont drop in GW you can only wear cloak if your guild has emblem and then you get one for free.

And yeah FoPW has a cloak. :)

Another 'great' thing is that when you cant find/dont want a random group you can just bring AI henchmen(mercenaries) from town to fight by your side.